Gear UP Application For Guadalupe Basurto

Pick-up Time:

8:45 am


Child: Camila mata

Birth Year: 9

Gender: female

Grade: Fourth Grade

School: Pecan Creek

Supplies Needed: Needs School Supplies and Backpack

Child: Sebastian mata

Birth Year: 7

Gender: male

Grade: First Grade

School: Pecan Creek

Supplies Needed: Needs School Supplies and Backpack

Child: Mateo mata

Birth Year: 5

Gender: male

Grade: Pre-Kindergarten

School: Pecan Creek

Supplies Needed: Needs School Supplies and Backpack

Child: Ana cuevas

Birth Year: 14

Gender: female

Grade: High School

School: Ryan Hi School

Supplies Needed: Needs School Supplies and Backpack

Child: Alberto cuevas

Birth Year: 13

Gender: male

Grade: Eighth Grade

School: Betty Mayer

Supplies Needed: Needs School Supplies and Backpack
