UP Angels Application For Emily Andrade -diaz 2024

Pick-up Time:

11:30 am


Child: Emilio

Big Wish Idea 1: Giftcard

Big Wish Idea 1 Description: For Walmart

Big Wish Idea 2: Gift card for Google play store

Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Easy way to make him happy..

Small Wish Idea 1: Legos

Small Wish Idea 1 Description: House building.. preferably

Small Wish Idea 2: Squish mellow

Small Wish Idea 2 Description: A large squishy to sleep with

Child: Isaac

Big Wish Idea 1: Visa giftcard

Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Easiest way for him to choose what he needs

Big Wish Idea 2: Visa giftcard

Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Easiest way for him to get what he needs

Small Wish Idea 1: Giftcard for Walmart

Small Wish Idea 1 Description: He is complicated to shop for

Small Wish Idea 2: Giftcard for Walmart

Small Wish Idea 2 Description: He is complicated to shop for..
