UP Angels Application For Eva Arellano 2024

Pick-up Time:

11:15 am


Child: Pablo Sandoval

Big Wish Idea 1: Nike sweaters, black s

Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Nike shirts s black

Big Wish Idea 2: Gift card of Roblox

Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Nike sweats black s

Small Wish Idea 1: Black bicycle for boy Boy of 11 years

Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Nike shoes black 4

Small Wish Idea 2: Adidas black shorts s

Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Adidas, sweaters, black s

Child: Martin Sandoval

Big Wish Idea 1: Black bicycle for kid of 9 years

Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Adidas close Black s

Big Wish Idea 2: Roblox gift card

Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Adidas sets black s

Small Wish Idea 1: Legos cars

Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Nike shoes black 4

Small Wish Idea 2: Hey dude’s black 4

Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Socks Nike black size 4
