Pick-up Time:
10:45 am
Child: Adrian garcia
Big Wish Idea 1: Monster truck radio control
Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Radio control monster truck
Big Wish Idea 2: Crocs size 8 toodler
Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Cocomelon crocs or bluey
Small Wish Idea 1: Bicycle 3 years boy
Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Bicycle for 3 years and up
Small Wish Idea 2: Pants set 3 years
Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Warm pants boy
Child: Inesita Garcia
Big Wish Idea 1: Baby alive doll
Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Baby alive with sounds
Big Wish Idea 2: LEGOs for girls
Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Legos for girls
Small Wish Idea 1: Jeans girls
Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Baggy jeans size 10-12 years for girl
Small Wish Idea 2: Sneakers
Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Air Force white sneakers size 4
Child: Mateo Garcia
Big Wish Idea 1: Monster truck radio control
Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Monster truck any type
Big Wish Idea 2: Bicycle 20’
Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Bicycle for boy 20’
Small Wish Idea 1: Nerf gun
Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Any nerf gun
Small Wish Idea 2: Crocs size 5
Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Crocks for boys size 5 grey or white color