Pick-up Time:
10:45 am
Child: Nathan silva
Big Wish Idea 1: He like this clothes brand call pro clubs xl .printer or bed shits queen black or a gift card
Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Color black or red or charcoal grey. A big mirror with led lights
Big Wish Idea 2: Clothes Nike xl , curve the green one shoes sizes 10 1/2 men. Or a gift card printer
Big Wish Idea 2 Description: He is an organizer he like to have his room clean . Pillows or black carpet
Small Wish Idea 1: Gift card , the long big mirrors with led lights
Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Shoes Nike or clothes
Small Wish Idea 2: Gift card
Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Gift card
Child: Angelina silva
Big Wish Idea 1: Pink or gray queen bed shits. She loves going to ultra n target gift card hello kitty floor matt
Big Wish Idea 1 Description: A vanity mirror hello kitty clothes stuff animals make up
Big Wish Idea 2: Gift card converts black with white 71/2 women target gift card or ulta
Big Wish Idea 2 Description: She likes pro clubs clothes it’s online size L. Hair clips shoe rack.
Small Wish Idea 1: She likes Ralph Lauren the blue bottle she has been trying to get the whole set. Gift cards
Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Gift cards she has been asking for white crocs
Small Wish Idea 2: Gift cards
Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Target ultra Marshalls
Child: Lailaa silva
Big Wish Idea 1: Pink shits for a queen bed. Hello kitty stuff to. She loves bell bottoms size 1 or 3 . Loves tides . Crop tops size m. Underware size 6 women socks
Big Wish Idea 1 Description: She likes the colors black red blue jeans. Converts black size 51/2
Big Wish Idea 2: Gift card she likes going to Walmart target. A whole body led mirror
Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Nike cloths sizes small in women loves to were hoodies n sweat pants
Small Wish Idea 1: Make up . Stuff to clean her face . She loves straighten her hair .
Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Gift card
Small Wish Idea 2: Gift card
Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Gift card
Child: Noah silva
Big Wish Idea 1: Bike with his elbow protector. Nurf guns.
Big Wish Idea 1 Description: Loves going to Walmart . Loves Mario brothers n spider man.
Big Wish Idea 2: He had been wanting a bounce house.
Big Wish Idea 2 Description: Size 6 or 7 t . Size 7 on underware socks. Crocs 12 kids
Small Wish Idea 1: Dinosaurs toys he loves playing store or kitchen
Small Wish Idea 1 Description: Scooter
Small Wish Idea 2: Gift card
Small Wish Idea 2 Description: Gift card